Emergency medical assistance
Here to help, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
When you buy travel insurance from Total Travel Protection you have access to our 24-hour emergency medical assistance team for the duration of your trip.
They are available by phone from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and are there to provide help and support if you fall ill or have an accident abroad which requires emergency medical treatment. Now that is reassuring!
- English speaking support
- 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- Worldwide service
If you fall ill and need emergency medical treatment abroad, you will not be alone, our emergency assistance team will be at the end of the phone to help you get the treatment you need.
What to do if you need medical treatment abroad
If you become unwell, or sustain a minor injury whilst abroad, please call our 24/7 assistance team first so that they can help you find appropriate treatment locally.
However, you should call the local emergency services immediately, (112 in Europe, 911 in the USA and Canada or the local equivalent to 999), if you have any symptoms that might require emergency treatment including, but not limited to, difficulty breathing, chest pain, seizure (fit) activity, decreased level of consciousness, heavy bleeding, sudden swelling of the face and lips, signs of a stroke or any other life-threatening condition.
You must, in all cases call our 24/7 assistance team to authorise cover. Tell them that you are insured by Goodtogoinsurance.com and give them your policy number. Failure to do so may invalidate your claim.
Important: Your policy does not cover any costs for private medical treatment unless it has been authorised by the emergency assistance company. You should be aware that travel insurance is not private medical insurance, in that it only covers unavoidable, unexpected, emergency treatment. You are not covered for private medical treatment if there are medically capable public facilities available.
You should carry your travel insurance Emergency Medical Assistance number and policy details with you at all times whilst you are away. Add the Emergency Medical Assistance team number to your phone contacts before you travel.