Travel insurance medical screening
How does medical screening work?
When you get a travel insurance quotation from Total Travel Protection you will be asked to complete a medical screening questionnaire. This can be done online or over the phone, whichever you prefer.
We use the medical screening questionnaire to get a full picture of your medical history and find out about any pre-existing medical conditions that you may have.
Firstly, you have some medical declaration questions to answer. These are questions which you can simply answer yes or no to, such as;
- have you taken prescription medication or received medical treatment in the last 2 years?
- are you on a waiting list for treatment or investigation?
- have you attended a medical practitioner's surgery, hospital or clinic (out-patient or in-patient) in the last 2 years?
You will need to declare the medical conditions that caused you to answer yes to any of the declaration questions and then asked a asked a short series of multiple-choice questions about each one.
The results from your medical screening, along with your age and the details of your trip are used to determine the price of your travel insurance.
Medical screening with a difference
To give holiday makers and travellers a choice and to help them get fair priced travel insurance, we use a different system for medical screening to most other travel insurance providers. That’s why you won’t find us on price comparison sites.
You can still get a quotation in minutes and complete your medical screening online or by phone, but we will ask you a different set of questions and assess your medical conditions in a different way which could lead to a better price.
Total Travel Protection can cover medical conditions of all types, and we have no upper age limits.
Why not give us a try? Get a travel insurance quote for your next holiday.
Medical screening FAQ
Why do I need to complete a medical screening when I buy travel insurance?
You need to complete a medical screening because it is very important that you declare your pre-existing medical conditions when you buy travel insurance. This is so that you have appropriate cover for emergency medical treatment abroad, as well as cancellation if you become unwell before your holiday.
If you become ill due to a pre-existing medical condition that you have not declared on your travel insurance, you would not be covered, and your claim would be declined.
Do I have to declare all my pre-existing medical conditions?
Yes, it is important that you declare all your pre-existing medical conditions when you buy medical travel insurance.
We need to get a full picture of your medical history to give you an accurate quotation and provide travel insurance cover for your holiday.
If you declare some medical conditions and not others, you could find you are not fully covered by your medical travel insurance if you need to make a claim for emergency medical expenses or cancellation. For instance, if your claim was related to a pre-existing medical condition which you had not declared on your policy, your claim could be declined or not paid in full.